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nonags rated webcow 5 (of 6) in it's first public beta!

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stars: 4 ( of 5) means very good webcow on webattack. 4 (of 5) means very good.

Un très bon logiciel ! 5/5

nettjuvelen (
diamonds are a girls best...

webcow - the handy tool

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About Firecow | Download | Internet Explorer?
About Firecow - The Firefox Webcow Extension
In november 2004 the Mozilla Firefox Browser 1.0 went final. Firefox is a very lightweight, compact, fast and stable working opensource webbrowser based on the gecko engine that just rocks. Because of its very good product quality and its increase of popularity, the webcow development team decided to start with the browser integration into this product.
The aim of Firecow is to provide the same (and more) features to Firefox as you already have in ms internet explorer including light and leach.

Firefox Benefits
  • very good browsing experience
  • apart from your OS, which means more secure and stable
  • good working netengine with more performance then internet explorer
  • a lot of addons are freely available for your needs, called extensions
webcow benefits from firefox because of the very intelligent XUL engine which gives the development of the integration possibilities at hand, which were not at all possible in internet explorer. a pro-user can even modify the extension to fit her/his exact needs. if you're interested in improving the Firecow Extension, feel free to contact Hans Krentel by email.
You can download the XPI file. Normally Firefox should ask you directly if you want to install the software. If not just drag and drop the downloaded file into your browser window.
The current development of this component is beta. It works (configure it under the menu Tools -> About Firecow) but only support the "Use Webcow on page" option and the Hotkey Alt+X right now. Next version is with LNL and i try to put the options into the Extension manager.
Internet Explorer?
Development of Internet Explorer integration has been stopped with the release of Firefox 1.0. Additional plans like hotkey and a better menu will not be coded. Keep in mind, that IE integration is still available, so you don't need to switch your browser.

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